for service starting stopping or even remote event viewing...shortcuts
I made a batch file that does this
set /p compname=Enter the computer name:
start mmc compmgmt.msc /computer:\\%compname%
set compname=
The original had c:\windows\system32\compmgmt.msc but on my system it doesn't appear to be needed
you can replace compmgmt.msc with services.msc or eventvwr.msc
Also to pipe into notepad:
set /p compname=Enter the computer name:
sc \\%compname% query type= service | find "SERVICE_" > %temp%\tmpsvc.txt
start notepad %temp%\tmpsvc.txt
ping -n 2
del %temp%\tmpsvc.txt
set compname=
the ping is there because the delete would fire much faster than the notepad starting up, so it's a sleep hack.
Stay Gold, America
2 weeks ago