So went to and ran jquery to get the names:
$('td.description span a[href]').text()
This produced all the names run together. Perhaps there's a more straightforward way to aggregate them in a short single line, but I was in a hurry.
Open My LinqPad (which includes the Inflector NuGetPackage) Paste in the string and add.Titleize()
on the end. Job Done.
Next up at
jQuery is loaded but not as $ here
jQuery('div.field-content a[href*=/heroes]').map(function(i,e){return jQuery(e).attr('href').split('/')[2];})
in this case did more jquery, so the inflector wasn't needed.
Steam games on sale:
Click specials tab:
jQuery('div.tabbar div[onclick]:contains(Specials)').click()
Enter the unspeakable as the first found working solution to help load all the items:
eval(jQuery('#tab_Discounts_next a[href]').attr('href'))
var getNext=jQuery('#tab_Discounts_next a[href]').attr('href'); var times=Math.ceil(getNext.split(':')[1].split(', ')[2]/10); eval(getNext);for(var i=1;i>times-1;i++){setTimeout(function(){console.log('getting more'); eval(getNext);},1500*i);}
Get all the names
jQuery('#tab_Discounts_items div.tab_desc.with_discount h4').map(function(i,e){return jQuery(e).text();})