Wednesday, January 13, 2010

T4 Generates my business objects for me

I have finally started understanding/applying Oleg Synch's T4 code generation tutorials. I'm at least to the point where I've made something useful. My goal was to design a business object generator that would be reusable between persistence and ui changes (actual code changes, or swapping out to a completely different layer) without recompiling, or making any changes what-so-ever in the business module. It consists of a Template that defines what a business object class should look like, and related scripts for particular business object details.

The main difficulties were:
  • validation 
    • centralized validation model
    • being capable of providing multiple field specific error messages, instead of just the first one that is discovered
  • mapping objects
    • looking for a way to cope with Linq-To-Sql's entities, while maintaining persistance indepdendence
What remains:
  • Validation
    • Investigate ways to push validation logic out to the client-side
  • Decide on an extensibility option
    • Partial classes
      • Would this allow someone to implement additional functionality in another assembly? That would be against the design.
    • Inheritance
      • Everyone nowadays is avoiding inheritance in favor of interfaces
    • Direct Script (not the generic template, the script specific to a business object type) modification 
    • Make the class generic so it can hold another object for additional functionality
The template and script are included.

The template

<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
Import Namespace="System.Linq" #>

    public class BusinessPropertyT4
        private readonly string _typeString;
        public string TypeString { get { return _typeString; } }
        public BusinessPropertyT4(string type )
            _typeString = type;
        public string BoolValidation { get; set; }
        public string RuleViolationMessage { get; set; }
        public bool CopyExclude {get; set;}
public class BusinessObjectTemplate : Template
    public string BusinessName;
    public IDictionary PropertyList;  
    public override string TransformText()
#>using System;
DefectSeverityAssessmentBusiness.<#=BusinessName #>
    public class Model<#=BusinessName #>:I<#=BusinessName #>
#region I<#=BusinessName #> Members
        foreach (string item in PropertyList.Keys)
            WriteLine("public "+PropertyList[item].TypeString +" "+ item+" { get; set; }");
public IEnumerable GetRuleViolations()
        foreach (string item in PropertyList.Keys)
                && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PropertyList[item].RuleViolationMessage)==false)
            WriteLine("\tif ("+PropertyList[item].BoolValidation+")");
\t yield return new RuleViolation(\""+PropertyList[item].RuleViolationMessage

            //if (Latitude == 0 || Longitude == 0)
            //    yield return new RuleViolation("Make sure to enter a valid address!", "Address");

            yield break;
        /// This is validated in a unit test to ensure accuracy and that it is not out of sync with
/// the number of members the interface has
        /// name="T">
        public static Dictionary Action> GenerateActionDictionary(T dest, I<#=BusinessName #> source, bool includeIdentifier)
    where T : I<#=BusinessName #>
            var result = new Dictionary Action>
        foreach (string item in PropertyList.Keys)

            return result;


        /// Designed for copying the model to the db persistence object or ui display object
        /// name="T">
        public static T CopyData(Func creator, I<#=BusinessName #> source, bool includeIdentifier,
            ICollection excludeList) where T : I<#=BusinessName #>
            return CopyDictionary I<#=BusinessName #>>.CopyData(
                GenerateActionDictionary, creator, source, includeIdentifier, excludeList);
        /// Designed for copying the ui to the model
        /// name="T">
        public static T CopyData(IValidationDictionary validation, Func creator,
            I<#=BusinessName #> source, bool includeIdentifier, ICollection excludeList)
             where T : I<#=BusinessName #>
            return CopyDictionary I<#=BusinessName #>>.CopyData(
                GenerateActionDictionary, validation, creator, source, includeIdentifier, excludeList);

    } // end class
    public interface I<#=BusinessName #>
        foreach (string item in PropertyList.Keys)
            WriteLine(PropertyList[item].TypeString+" "+item+" { get; set; }");
        return this.GenerationEnvironment.ToString();

The first script

<#@ template language="C#v3.5" hostspecific="True" debug="True" #>
output extension="cs" #>
include file="" #>
include file="../" #>

    BusinessObjectTemplate template = new BusinessObjectTemplate();
    template.PropertyList=new Dictionary{
        {"UserName",new BusinessPropertyT4("string"){BoolValidation="String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)",
            RuleViolationMessage="UserName is required"/*,CopyExclude=true */}},
        {"Name",new BusinessPropertyT4("string")},
        {"Email",new BusinessPropertyT4("string")},
        {"MailCode",new BusinessPropertyT4("string")},
        {"TelephoneNumber",new BusinessPropertyT4("string")},
        {"OrganizationId",new BusinessPropertyT4("int?")},
        {"OrganizationSponsorId",new BusinessPropertyT4("int?")},

And the final output:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BReusable;
namespace DefectSeverityAssessmentBusiness.Registration
public class ModelRegistration:IRegistration
        #region IRegistration Members
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string MailCode { get; set; }
public string TelephoneNumber { get; set; }
public int? OrganizationId { get; set; }
public int? OrganizationSponsorId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
yield return new RuleViolation("UserName is required",Member.Name<ModelRegistration>(x=>x.UserName));

//if (Latitude == 0 || Longitude == 0)
            //    yield return new RuleViolation("Make sure to enter a valid address!", "Address");

            yield break;
        /// This is validated in a unit test to ensure accuracy and that it is not out of sync with
        /// the number of members the interface has



        public static Dictionary<string, Action> GenerateActionDictionary(T dest, IRegistration source, bool includeIdentifier)
where T : IRegistration
var result = new Dictionary<string, Action>

return result;


        /// Designed for copying the model to the db persistence object or ui display object




        public static T CopyData(Func creator, IRegistration source, bool includeIdentifier,
ICollection<string> excludeList) where T : IRegistration
return CopyDictionaryIRegistration>.CopyData(
                GenerateActionDictionary, creator, source, includeIdentifier, excludeList);
        /// Designed for copying the ui to the model





        public static T CopyData(IValidationDictionary validation, Func creator,
IRegistration source, bool includeIdentifier, ICollection<string> excludeList)
where T : IRegistration
return CopyDictionaryIRegistration>.CopyData(
                GenerateActionDictionary, validation, creator, source, includeIdentifier, excludeList);

// end class
    public interface IRegistration
string UserName { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
string Email { get; set; }
string MailCode { get; set; }
string TelephoneNumber { get; set; }
int? OrganizationId { get; set; }
int? OrganizationSponsorId { get; set; }
//end namespace
The CopyDictionary class is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DefectSeverityAssessmentBusiness
internal static class CopyDictionary where T:TU




null for no exclusions
        public static T CopyData(Funcbool, Dictionary<string, Action>> actionDictionaryFunc,
Func creator, TU source, bool includeIdentifier,ICollection<string>excludeList)  
return CopyDataMaster(actionDictionaryFunc, creator, source, includeIdentifier,excludeList, kvp => kvp.Value());

        /// Attempts to copy data, stops on first error, adds to validation dictionary, throws the exception





null for no exclusions
        public static T CopyData(Funcbool, Dictionary<string, Action>> actionDictionaryFunc,
IValidationDictionary validation, Func creator,
            TU source,
bool includeIdentifier,ICollection<string> excludeList)
var result= CopyDataMaster(actionDictionaryFunc, creator, source, includeIdentifier,excludeList,
                kvp =>
catch (Exception exception)
//TODO: log error?
throw new ValidationException("Validation contains errors");
return result;

private static T CopyDataMaster(Funcbool, Dictionary<string, Action>> actionDictionaryFunc,
Func creator,TU source, bool includeIdentifier,ICollection<string> excludeList,
Action<KeyValuePair<string, Action>> action)
var result = creator();
foreach (var kvp in actionDictionaryFunc(result,source,includeIdentifier))
if(excludeList==null || excludeList.Contains(kvp.Key)==false)
return result;


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