So in F# you can (and have to if you want it) make a dynamic operator implementation.
Like so:let (?) (this : 'Source) (prop : string) : 'Result = let t : Type = this.GetType() let p : PropertyInfo = t.GetProperty(prop) if isNull p then failwithf "could not find prop %s" prop p.GetValue(this, null) :?> 'ResultOr dynamic setters even:
let (?<-) (this: 'Source) (prop:string) (value: 'Value) = this.GetType().GetProperty(prop).SetValue(this,value,null)Which are accessed by name not by string (even though the effect is like a magic string):
type Test(code:string) = member val Code = code with get,set let nakedTest : Test = Test("hello") let x : obj = box nakedTest let value : string = x?Code printfn "I found the property and retrieved the value, it was %s" value
Or the setter like: x?Code <- "dynamic"
Now what happens if I want part of that implementation to be variable, I want to pass different combinations of BindingFlag
bits, and the keep the rest of the implementation the same?
Perhaps I want to access static or private properties, with different (?)
Well, it's possible!
let makePropAccess (flags:BindingFlags) = let (?) (this : 'Source) (prop : string) : 'Result = let t = this.GetType() if isNull t then failwithf "bad getType" let p = t.GetProperty(prop,flags) if isNull p then failwithf"could not find prop %s" prop p.GetValue(this, null) :?> 'Result (?) let (?) = makePropAccess (BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) let x = Test("Code") x?Codefull LINQPad code at Queries/Reflection/F# dynamic operator implementation.linq
I wonder how (or if) you could even access this from C#
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