- First and foremost I think is the Member class
- No more binding using brittle string literals.
- Compile time member access name safety.
- BDictionary
- Allows for reference of a an item by key or by the index
- String Transformations
- Can take comma separated values,CR/LF, excel copied, SSMS results column copied and transform them into
- a SQL in clause
- an array initializer
- a string array initializer
- bThread(of T)
- Threading implementation with strongly typed result value
- Wraps processing in try/catch so the thread doesn't throw an exception
- bMacros - originally named bVbMacros but the snippet section does C# now
- takes a partially formatted string and creates a code snippet for use in Visual Studio
- Takes a VB object constructor and automatically generates backing fields and public readonly properties to expose those values
- DebuggerWriter:System.IO.TextWriter
- Wrapper to allow you to stream output to the Debugger
- XmlFont
- Makes serializing a System.Drawing.Font simple
- Windows Forms specific:
- TextBoxWriter:System.IO.TextWriter
- Wrapper to allow you to stream output to a WinForms Textbox
- Control Extensions
- Extension methods for thread safe operations on the UI
- Extension methods for nullable value binding
- An extension for populating a comboBox with an enum Type's values
- ErrorProviderManager
- Wrapper for the ErrorProvider class
- Centralized repository that takes a control, a Func
delegate and the associated error message. - hooks into the control's validating event to run all the Func
associated error conditions, if it fails validation, the ErrorProvider is updated accordingly, and vice versa
Election 2029: The Impossible Exception – Solved
3 weeks ago
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